About Me

I am Jane Gao, a CS major graduate from McGill
Nice to meet you ;)

Project and Experiences

Shopping site with django

• Used django as backend tool
• Used CSS, JavaScript, HTML, etc. as frontend tools
• Implemented real chat function with websocket

Java railway system

Implented a program to get the shortest railway path between two stops and the max capacity.
• Used greedy algorithm to arrange a series of events
• Used Ford-Fulkerson algorithm to calculate the maximum flow and minimum cut of oil transportation railways
• Used Bellman-Ford algorithm for finding the shortest path in a transportation scenario
• Used Karatsuba algorithm to optimize the arithmetic computation for add and multiply

MATLAB approximation

• Solved initial-value problem with Runge-Kutta methods, midpoint Euler’s method, trapezoidal Euler’s method and Euler’s method
• Used numerical integration to approximate an integral with recursive trapezoid Rule, adaptive Simpson’s rule, midpoint rule and rectangle rule
• Use the least squares approximation method to estimate a function based on a set of data
• Did piecewise low degree polynomials to do interpolation with linear splines and cubic splines
• Did Polynomial Interpolation with the Vandermonde approach, the Lagrange approach and the Newton approach • Solved Nonlinear Equations with the secant method, Newton’s method and the bisection method
• Solving a linear system of equations with Gaussian Elimination with no pivoting (GENP) and Gaussian Elimination with partial pivoting (GEPP) and get their LU Factorizations

My channel on Bilibili

Provided mental health support to Mandarin speakers by leveraging my expertise in psychology on day-to-day issues such as the Wuhan coronavirus and insomnia.

Find Me Here

Find me through email, Facebook, Instagram, or catch me on campus.